Many of our consultations include a Sight Test (see below). We provide other consultations too, such as:
Examinations for dry eyes,
Examinations for flashes or floaters,
Contact lens fittings or check ups.
Sight Tests are for the purpose of determining whether a person will benefit from an optical appliance (e.g. spectacles), or whether their existing optical prescription is still appropriate. Tests such as refraction and fundoscopy will be performed. For many of our patients two to three years is a suitable interval between Sight Tests.
Our Optomap scanning laser ophthalmoscope provides us (and our patients) with a significantly enhanced view of the inner eye, and we strongly recommend this to all of our patients.

Privately funded Sight Tests are available but only within a larger consultation package which includes a Sight Test, an Optomap digital scan and icare tonometry as standard.